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World Financial Group - Want a refund of registration fees

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My friend convinced me to take this opportunity and become member of WFG for future growth. But I didnt know she was doing it for her own benefit, she will get some kind of commission if she recruits more people.

After paying $169. 50 she told me now i have to take a test and spend more money and i have to do same thing with other people and make them fool. Now i know the reality how it works and i am not interested in this. I registered on December 3, 2022 from Brampton location.I am filing this complain on December 5, 2022.

Please refund me my $169.50 as my friend made me fool and took advantage of me to make her money.

I am not interested in this. This totally is a scam.

Monetary Loss: $170.

Preferred solution: Full refund.

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